Hi, we’re Anna and Bunny – the founders of Joyful Nature.

What Joyful Nature is all about…
Being connected to nature helps people to feel physically and emotionally healthier.
Having a relationship with nature also leads to people showing greater care for the natural world.
In other words, nature connection is a win-win for us and the planet.
Our mission is to help as many people as possible be part of this winning formula by encouraging and supporting easy and accessible ways for people to connect with nature.
What we believe…
We believe that nature connection is for everybody, regardless of your age, background, gender, physical ability, where you live, or anything else.
However, often the images and stories that talk about nature connection show only a very limited range of people, activities, and settings.
We are not all fit, robust, white men walking and camping on the mountains with backpacks, nor are we all young children with muddy hands attending forest schools, or long-haired women in floaty dresses walking barefoot in a meadow.
We believe that, in order for as many people as possible to be connected to nature, there is a need to show lots of different types of people connecting with nature in lots of different ways.
Because, when people see themselves represented, and see that nature connection can take a myriad of forms, they are far more likely to believe this is something they can be part of and experience too.
What we offer…
The overall aim of Joyful Nature is to make everyday nature connection accessible for everybody.
You can find out more about who we are and why we do what we do here
(more details of offerings and services coming soon…)
On this website you’ll find:
♥ Opportunities to join the Joyful Nature community and share your nature connection experiences with others
♥ Nature connection activity ideas and prompts to deepen your connection to nature and to yourself
♥ Alternative ways to connect with nature including relaxing nature-based guided visualisations
And more!