by Anna

365 days later…here we are.
Spring is such a joyful and hopeful time. New shoots and leaves appear, catkins of all shapes and colours adorn branches, and – my favourite – the raucous dawn chorus filters into my sleep and stirs me awake.
After the downtime of winter, spring brings colour and texture back to the earth. It reminds of us of potential and growth. It reminds us we are alive.
This spring feels particularly poignant.
365 days ago we (here in the UK) entered into the first of several lockdowns. We didn’t know where we’d be in a year’s time. I don’t think many of us imagined we’d still be so restricted and limited with where we could travel and who we could spend time with.
There have been many losses and the grieving continues for those.
We also gained something very special. 365 days ago, we launched our Noticing Nature Community group. Inviting people to join us in strengthening our connections with nature and with each other. Offering mutual support through the simple act of sharing what we noticed in nature.
You can read more about how it benefitted the people who joined in (click here).

This week, we are celebrating the wonderful community who drew together from across different continents and living in different circumstances.
We are also celebrating the arrival of spring and our ongoing commitment to caring for what cares for us, that is, showing our care and appreciation for the natural world.